Italian Cities and Towns City of Laureana di Borrello (RC): Calabria Region - Italy. Population, official site, zip code and post office, town profile, useful link. Mayor:

City of Laureana di Borrello

ProvinceReggio Calabria (RC)
ZoneSouthern Italy
5,143 (M 2,474; F 2,669)
Density (per square km): 145.2
Number of Families1,998
Housing Units2,987
Population Namelaureanesi
Patron SaintSan Gregorio Taumaturgo
Useful Link
Weather Forecast for Laureana di Borrello
Phone Numbers
Map Laureana di Borrello
Pharmacies in Laureana di Borrello
Bank List
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Official Site
Zip Code89023
Phone Prefix(+39) 0966
Istat Code080042
Belfiore CodeE479
Laureana di Borrello City Hall
Address: Piazza Indipendenza - 89023 Laureana di Borrello - ITALY
Phone Number: (+39) 0966-906103; Fax: (+39) 0966-991461
Adjacent Towns
Candidoni, Feroleto della Chiesa, Galatro, Rosarno, San Pietro di Caridà, Serrata
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Main Italian Cities
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