Italian Cities and Towns Find local pharmacies in Pieve Santo Stefano with phone numbers and addresses. Comprehensive directory. Pharmacies (chemist shop, drugstore) are retail storefront with a dispensary where medications are dispensed. Buy prescriptions, medicines, health and beauty products, homeopathic and herbal remedies

Pharmacies in Pieve Santo Stefano - Italy

Farmacia Baldassarri
Address: Piazza Santo Stefano, 4
Phone number: 0575-799211;
Pharmacies in nearby cities
Pharmacy Town
Farmacia Comunale di Caprese Michelangelo - Via CapoluogoCaprese Michelangelo
Farmacia Giotti del Dr. Giotti Roberto e C. S.N.C. - Via Nazionale, 24Chiusi della Verna
Farmacia Soldati Snc - Via Don F. Babini, 3Verghereto
Farmacia Ortalli - Anghiari Snc - Via Giacomo Matteotti, 77Anghiari
Farmacia Porta Fiorentina - Piazza Repubblica, 1Sansepolcro
Pharmacy List in surrounding towns: Caprese Michelangelo (1), Chiusi della Verna (3), Verghereto (2), Anghiari (2), Sansepolcro (5), Badia Tedalda (2), Chitignano (1), Casteldelci (1), San Giustino (3), Citerna (1), Bagno di Romagna (2), Subbiano (1), Monterchi (1), Capolona (2), Castel Focognano (1), Bibbiena (3), Sant'Agata Feltria (1), Borgo Pace (1), Sestino (1), Arezzo (31), Monte Santa Maria Tiberina (1), Sarsina (2), Talla (1), Pennabilli (1), Città di Castello (10), Poppi (3), Ortignano Raggiolo (1)
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Information on Pieve Santo Stefano
Weather Forecast Pieve Santo Stefano
Info on Tuscany - Italy
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