Find local pharmacies in Florence (Firenze), ZIP Code 50132, with phone numbers and addresses. List of pharmacies (chemist shop, drugstore). Buy prescriptions, medicines, health and beauty products, homeopathic and herbal remedies
Pharmacy List Florence - ZIP: 50132
Farmacia Donatello Address: Via degli Artisti, 1/r Phone number: 055-588066;
Farmacia Mazzini del Dr. Dionisio Pugliese Address: Viale Giuseppe Mazzini, 5/r Phone number: 055-243902;
Farmacia Moderna snc delle dottoresse Evanghelia Papanicolau e Claudia Saporita Address: Viale Don Giovanni Minzoni, 2/r Phone number: 055-579821;
Parafarmacie stores selling over-the-counter (OTC) drugs medicines that may be sold without a prescription
La Natura Delle Cose Dottoressa Danila Corsano Parafarmacia Erboristeria Piazza Fra' Girolamo Savonarola 11R