St. Mary the Major, also called "ad Nives" |
The church of St. Mary, due to several alterations, has a complex "L" plan. Hence the building has two main portals. The transept portal has pseudo-Solomonic pillars and is surmounted by a simple lintel. The nave portal, flanked by the bell tower, is topped by a lunette decorated with alt reliefs.
Palazzo of the Dukes of Sangro |
The palazzo was later added to the watch tower in order to expand the original structure and to turn it into the current stately home which belonged to the Dukes of Sangro. It features a thick ashlar basement and two balconies on the main front.
Casacalenda Tower |
It is a squared tower divided into five levels. The last floor, topped with crenellations and featuring a clock dial, was added later. The original tower ended with the floor currently decorated with the bell niches.