Italian Cities and Towns Branches and agencies in Perugia Italy, CAP 06122. Phone number, address, ABI and CAB Code, ATMs.

Banks in Perugia - CAP 06122

Banca delle Marche SpA
Piazza Piccinino, 9 - 06122
ABI: 06055 - CAB: 03002
Phone Number: 075-5724445;
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA (MPS)
Via Brunamonti, 47/A - 06122
ABI: 01030 - CAB: 03002
Phone Number: 075-5403711; Fax: 075-5726517
Unicredit SpA
Via Eugubina, 48 - 06122
ABI: 02008 - CAB: 03046
In this site and on the Web
Useful Pages
Banks in Perugia
Perugia Map (Italy)
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