Italian Cities and Towns Information about Banca Veronese - Credito Cooperativo di Concamarise S.C.R.L.. Where are branches and agencies of the bank in Italy. ABI Code 08322. CAB list of bank offices.

Banca Veronese - Credito Cooperativo di Concamarise S.C.R.L.

ABI Code08322
Registered Office and
Head Office
Via Roma, 2
37051 Bovolone
Number of
Regions with branches
Veneto (16)
Towns with branches
Bovolone (1)Castel d'Azzano (1)Cerea (1)
Concamarise (1)Isola della Scala (1)Isola Rizza (1)
Nogara (1)Nogarole Rocca (1)Oppeano (1)
San Giovanni Lupatoto (1)San Martino Buon Albergo (1)Sommacampagna (1)
Verona (1)Villafranca di Verona (2)Zevio (1)
Other Banks:
Banca Versilia Lunigiana e Garfagnana - Credito Cooperativo - Società Cooperativa
Banca Valsabbina SCpA
Bank List
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Banks in Italy
Banks in Veneto
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