Norman walls |
In the picture you can see the ruins of the city walls and the battlements. The walls were originally built by the Normans but the tower shown in the picture was erected by the Aragons. The doorway is Porta Venosina, a pointed arch gate built by Emperor Frederick II.
St. Mary of Assumption Cathedral |
The church was originally erected in the 12th century and then rebuilt in 1694 having a big earthquake caused the collapse of the first structure. Noteworthy is the campanile that survived the said earthquake. It is decorated with two round headed windows framed in a Greek motif cornice: a big spire surmounts the belfry.
Norman Castle |
The massive Norman Castle was built by Robert Guiscard . It features a vast defensive ditch and thick enceinte walls. It was the jail where Pier delle Vigne was kept for several years. Above the main gate there is a memorial dedicated to Friederick II who rebuilt the structure. Other battlements were added by the Anjou. Today it hosts the National Museum.