St. Martin's Basilica |
The basilica is located in Piazza Plebiscito and is dedicated to the Patron Saint. It is a Baroque masterpiece dating back to the 18th century. It features two elegant broken pediments topping the main portal and the central light. Other decorations include several storiated niches lodging statues and pilasters of Corinthian Order dividing the façade's bays.
Ducal Palace |
The massive palazzo features a remarkable entrance topped by an impressive molded entablature holding the projecting piano nobile's balcony and flaked by two columns of Ionic order. The basement is in stonework while the storey's bays are stuccoed and divided by pilasters. Noteworthy are the Renaissance-like architraved lights framed with marble lintels. The palazzo was built in the seventeenth century by Petracone, Duke of Martina Franca.
St. Anthony Arch and Piazza XX Settembre |
Piazza XX Settembre is vernacularly called "o stradon", the big street, and is the most crowded pedestrian promenade in town. It was built in the nineteenth century in the former market square, and ends with the elegant St. Anthony's Arch.