Italian Cities and Towns City of Sant'Angelo a Cupolo (BN): Campania Region - Italy. Population, official site, zip code and post office, town profile, useful link. Mayor: Fabrizio D'Orta

City of Sant'Angelo a Cupolo

ProvinceBenevento (BN)
ZoneSouthern Italy
4,327 (M 2,147; F 2,180)
Density (per square km): 397.7
Number of Families1,721
Housing Units1,811
Population Namesantangiolesi
Patron SaintSan Michele Arcangelo
Useful Link
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Phone Numbers
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Official Site
Zip Code82010
Phone Prefix(+39) 0824
Istat Code062071
Belfiore CodeI277
Sant'Angelo a Cupolo City Hall
Address: Via Pietro Nenni, 3 - 82010 Sant'Angelo a Cupolo - ITALY
Phone Number: (+39) 0824-66711; Fax: (+39) 0824-66712
Mayor: Fabrizio D'Orta
Adjacent Towns
Benevento, Ceppaloni, Chianche (AV), San Leucio del Sannio, San Martino Sannita, San Nicola Manfredi
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Cities and Towns in Benevento Province
Main Italian Cities
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