Italian Cities and Towns City of Loreo (RO): Veneto Region - Italy. Population, official site, zip code and post office, town profile, useful link. Mayor: Moreno Gasparini

City of Loreo

ProvinceRovigo (RO)
ZoneNorthern East Italy
3,461 (M 1,678; F 1,783)
Density (per square km): 87.4
Number of Families1,520
Housing Units1,590
Population Nameloredani
Patron SaintSan Michele Arcangelo
Useful Link
Weather Forecast for Loreo
Phone Numbers
Map Loreo
Pharmacies in Loreo
Bank List
Nearby towns
Official Site
City Hall Email
Coat of Arms
Zip Code45017
Phone Prefix(+39) 0426
Istat Code029030
Belfiore CodeE689
Loreo City Hall
Address: Piazza Municipio, 4 - 45017 Loreo - ITALY
Phone Number: (+39) 0426-336811; Fax: (+39) 0426-669186
Mayor: Moreno Gasparini
Loreo Localities
frazioni: Tornova; località: Cà Negra, Cavanella Po, Grimana, Pilastro, Retinella, Sant'Antonino
Adjacent Towns
To the east: Porto Viro, Rosolina; to the north: Chioggia (VE); to the west: Adria, Cavarzere (VE); to the south: Taglio di Po
Train Station
Station Address Owned by Category
LoreoViale Stazione, 18RFI (FS)bronze
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Main Italian Cities
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