Italian Cities and Towns Find local pharmacies in Lentiai with phone numbers and addresses. Comprehensive directory. Pharmacies (chemist shop, drugstore) are retail storefront with a dispensary where medications are dispensed. Buy prescriptions, medicines, health and beauty products, homeopathic and herbal remedies

Pharmacies in Lentiai - Italy

Farmacia Zampol D'Ortia Adriano & C. Sas
Address: Via Piave, 48
Phone number: 0437-750581;
Pharmacies in nearby cities
Pharmacy Town
Antica Farmacia De Angeli Dott. Luigi - Via Roma, 16/aSanta Giustina
Farmacia Deserti Adorna - Via Strada Vecia, 27Cesiomaggiore
Farmacia Faè Luigi - Via Caduti del Lavoro, 5San Gregorio nelle Alpi
Farmacia Sartori Alfonso - Via Roma, 6Mel
Azienda Speciale Farmacia di Mas - Viale Dolomiti, 60/aSedico
Pharmacy List in surrounding towns: Santa Giustina (2), Cesiomaggiore (1), San Gregorio nelle Alpi (1), Mel (2), Sedico (2), Sospirolo (1), Feltre (5), Trichiana (2), Miane (1), Follina (1), Pedavena (1), Segusino (1), Valdobbiadene (3), Cison di Valmarino (1), Quero Vas (1), Farra di Soligo (3), Vidor (1), Alano di Piave (1), Limana (2), Seren del Grappa (1), Pederobba (2), Gosaldo (1), Moriago della Battaglia (1), Sernaglia della Battaglia (2), Cornuda (1), Pieve di Soligo (2), Crocetta del Montello (2)
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Information on Lentiai
Weather Forecast Lentiai
Info on Veneto - Italy
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