Italian Cities and Towns City of Montebello Vicentino (VI): Veneto Region - Italy. Population, official site, zip code and post office, town profile, useful link. Mayor: Dino Magnabosco

City of Montebello Vicentino

ProvinceVicenza (VI)
ZoneNorthern East Italy
6,551 (M 3,283; F 3,268)
Density (per square km): 305.7
Number of Families2,499
Housing Units2,194
Population Namemontebellani
Patron SaintMadonna di Monte Berico
Useful Link
Weather Forecast for Montebello Vicentino
Phone Numbers
Map Montebello Vicentino
Pharmacies in Montebello Vicentino
Bank List
Nearby towns
Official Site
City Hall Email
Zip Code36054
Phone Prefix(+39) 0444
Istat Code024060
Belfiore CodeF442
Montebello Vicentino City Hall
Address: Piazza Italia, 1 - 36054 Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
Phone Number: (+39) 0444-649035; Fax: (+39) 0444-440111
Mayor: Dino Magnabosco
Montebello Vicentino Localities
Selva, Agugliana
Adjacent Towns
Brendola, Gambellara, Lonigo, Montecchio Maggiore, Montorso Vicentino, Roncà (VR), Sarego, Zermeghedo
Train Station
Station Address Owned by Category
MontebelloVia Stazione, 16RFI (FS)silver
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Cities and Towns in Vicenza Province
Main Italian Cities
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Towns and Cities in Province of Vicenza: Montecchio Maggiore Monte di Malo List