Italian Cities and Towns Find local pharmacies in Alonte with phone numbers and addresses. Comprehensive directory. Pharmacies (chemist shop, drugstore) are retail storefront with a dispensary where medications are dispensed. Buy prescriptions, medicines, health and beauty products, homeopathic and herbal remedies

Pharmacies in Alonte - Italy

Farmacia San Giorgio Dr. Bertotti Giorgio
Address: Piazza Santa Savina, 1
Phone number: 0444-439396;
Pharmacies in nearby cities
Pharmacy Town
Farmacia Rossignolo Margherita - Via IV Novembre, 2Orgiano
Farmacia Dott. Soresina Alberto - Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 34Lonigo
Farmacia Tecchio Laura - Piazza Umberto I, 29Sarego
Farmacia Fasanaro Francesco - Via Carbonarola, 5/ASan Germano dei Berici
Farmacia Rossini Sas di Rossini Maria Teresa - Via Vela, 21 AAsigliano Veneto
Pharmacy List in surrounding towns: Orgiano (1), Lonigo (4), Sarego (2), San Germano dei Berici (1), Asigliano Veneto (1), Grancona (1), Cologna Veneta (3), Pressana (1), Sossano (1), Zimella (2), Roveredo di Guà (1), Zovencedo (1), Montebello Vicentino (2), Pojana Maggiore (2), Brendola (2), Veronella (1), Villaga (1), Campiglia dei Berici (1), Zermeghedo (1), Barbarano Vicentino (1), Gambellara (1), Bevilacqua (1), Montecchio Maggiore (6), Mossano (1), Noventa Vicentina (3), Montorso Vicentino (1), Montagnana (3)
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Info on Veneto - Italy
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