Italian Cities and Towns City of Segonzano (TN): Trentino-Alto Adige Region - Italy. Population, official site, zip code and post office, town profile, useful link. Mayor: Pierangelo Villaci

City of Segonzano

RegionTrentino-Alto Adige
ProvinceTrento (TN)
ZoneNorthern East Italy
1,462 (M 717; F 745)
Density (per square km): 70.4
Number of Families598
Housing Units812
Population Namesegonzanesi
Patron SaintMadonna Ausiliatrice
Useful Link
Weather Forecast for Segonzano
Phone Numbers
Map Segonzano
Pharmacies in Segonzano
Bank List
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Official Site
Coat of Arms
Zip Code38047
Phone Prefix(+39) 0461
Istat Code022172
Belfiore CodeI576
Segonzano City Hall
Address: Loc. Scancio, 64 - 38047 Segonzano - ITALY
Phone Number: (+39) 0461-686103; Fax: (+39) 0461-686060
Mayor: Pierangelo Villaci
Segonzano Localities
frazioni: Sevignano, Parlo, Piazzo, Prà, Scancio, Saletto, Teaio, Sabion, Stedro, Luch, Quaras, Casal, Gresta, Gaggio, Valcava;
località sparse: Rio Secco, Gausaldo, Santuario della Madonna dell'Aiuto, Caloneghi
Adjacent Towns
Altavalle, Baselga di Pinè, Bedollo, Cembra Lisignago, Lona-Lases, Sover
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