Italian Cities and Towns Find local pharmacies in Brescia, ZIP Code 25128, with phone numbers and addresses. List of pharmacies (chemist shop, drugstore). Buy prescriptions, medicines, health and beauty products, homeopathic and herbal remedies

Pharmacy List Brescia - ZIP: 25128

Farmacia Brixia
Address: Via Delle Gabbiane 7
Farmacia Comunale San Bartolomeo
Address: Via del Gallo, 42
Farmacia Dei Santi Faustino e Giovita S.N.C. Dei Dottori Cordani, Negroni e Tomba
Address: Via Niccolo Tomaseo, 44
Farmacia Formenti di Quattrini
Address: Via Trento, 1/H
Farmacia Zadei di Chiara Marfurt e C. Snc
Address: Via V. Veneto, 109
Phone number: 030-305315;
stores selling over-the-counter (OTC) drugs medicines that may be sold without a prescription
Parafarmacia Città Di Brescia Di Lazzari Vladimiro
Via Gualla SNC
Parafarmacia Comitato
Via Fabio Filzi 17/A
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