Italian Cities and Towns Find local pharmacies in Leffe with phone numbers and addresses. Comprehensive directory. Pharmacies (chemist shop, drugstore) are retail storefront with a dispensary where medications are dispensed. Buy prescriptions, medicines, health and beauty products, homeopathic and herbal remedies

Pharmacies in Leffe - Italy

Farmacia Pancheri S.A.S. Dottoressa Stefania Gandossi & C.
Address: Via Mosconi, 10
Phone number: 035-731427;
Pharmacies in nearby cities
Pharmacy Town
Farmacia Comunale Cazzano - Via Tacchini, 9Cazzano Sant'Andrea
Farmacia Farma Salute S.A.S. - Dr.Ri Ferruccio Andreis E Stefania Gandossi& C. - Via Cesare Battisti 2/cGandino
Farmacia Salus - Via Cà Zanucchi, 40Peia
Farmacia Carrara Enrico - Via Raimondo Ruggeri, 2Casnigo
Farmacia San Rocco Dr. Alberto Preceruti & C. Snc - Via San Rocco, 63Vertova
Pharmacy List in surrounding towns: Cazzano Sant'Andrea (1), Gandino (2), Peia (1), Casnigo (1), Vertova (1), Colzate (1), Fiorano al Serio (1), Spinone al Lago (1), Ranzanico (1), Casazza (2), Gazzaniga (1), Cene (1), Ponte Nossa (1), Premolo (1), Parre (1), Gorno (1), Borgo di Terzo (1), Berzo San Fermo (1), Endine Gaiano (1), Entratico (1), Albino (4), Piario (1), Clusone (2), Cenate Sopra (1)
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Useful Pages
Information on Leffe
Weather Forecast Leffe
Info on Lombardy - Italy
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