Italian Cities and Towns All branches and agencies of Intesa Sanpaolo SpA in Bergamo (BG), Italy. Phone number, address, ABI and CAB Code. Banking services like ATM in Bergamo.

Bergamo: Intesa Sanpaolo SpA

Number of branches
Bank Code
ABI 03069
Branches and Agencies
CAB Address CAP Phone Number Fax ATM Self Service
11119Via Madonna Della Neve, 4 C/O Italcementi24100    
11100Via Camozzi, 2724121035-4322111035-4323621  
11130Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, 2924122035-280411035-236642  
11150Piazza Matteotti, 2924122    
11104Via S. Bernardino, 72/D24122035-232082035-218292  
11116Via Ruggeri Da Stabello, 22/A24123035-577400035-577369  
11105Via Suardi, 8724124035-239182035-217557  
11121Via Gasparini, 4/C24125035-322492035-4592919  
11113Via E. Fermi, 5/B24126035-314970035-319929  
11118Via Promessi Sposi, 1824127035-402522035-4518705  
11106Via Statuto, 1824128035-2654011035-262222  
11117Via Mattioli, 1824129035-401313035-402064  
See also
Other Banks in Bergamo - Italy: Banca Generali SpA, Aletti & C. Banca di Investimento Mobiliare SpA, Deutsche Bank SpA, Ubi Banca SCpA, Findomestic Banca Spa, Unipol Banca Spa
In this site and on the Web
Useful Pages
Banks in Bergamo (Italy)
Information on Bergamo
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