Italian Cities and Towns City of Cunico (AT): Piedmont Region (Piemonte) - Italy. Population, official site, zip code and post office, town profile, useful link. Mayor: Cristina Ceron

City of Cunico

ProvinceAsti (AT)
ZoneNorthern West Italy
477 (M 241; F 236)
Density (per square km): 69.5
Number of Families213
Housing Units350
Population Namecunichesi
Patron SaintSan Bartolomeo Apostolo
Useful Link
Weather Forecast for Cunico
Phone Numbers
Map Cunico
Pharmacies in Cunico
Bank List
Nearby towns
Official Site
City Hall Email
Coat of Arms
Zip Code14026
Phone Prefix(+39) 0141
Istat Code005051
Belfiore CodeD207
Cunico City Hall
Address: Via Recinto, 3 - 14026 Cunico - ITALY
Phone Number: (+39) 0141-906202; Fax: (+39) 0141-906202
Mayor: Cristina Ceron
Cunico Localities
Vallera, Stazione, Colombara, Lustra, Ronco, Valcroce, Bricco Forca, Case Graglia, Cascine Fareto, Castellero San Martino, Case Negro
Adjacent Towns
Cortanze, Montechiaro d'Asti, Montiglio Monferrato, Piea, Piovà Massaia
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