Italian Cities and Towns Photo gallery of Cuneo: Piedmont Region (Piemonte) - Italy. Images about: Civic Tower, Court of Justice, Former church of St. Francis

Cuneo Photos

See also: Wiki Foto Cuneo
Civic Tower
Foto Cuneo: Civic Tower
The tower dates back to the 14th century and was built to cheer a peace treatise with the neightbour town of Mondovì. It was later remodeled with the addiction of the clockdial and of the Serlian bellcell, topped with a sort of lantern. It is decorated with a remarkable fresco.
Court of Justice
Foto Cuneo: Court of Justice
The Court of Justice is a Neoclassical banded rusticated building. The bays are divided with Ionic and Corinthian pillars and moulded entablatures. Remarkable is the upper sepia frescoed tympanum, with a clock dial in the centre.
Former church of St. Francis
Foto Cuneo: Former church of St. Francis
Originally built in the 13th century, as part of the Franciscan Convent, was later transformed into a depository and, finally, into a military camp. It has a brickwork covering and an eye-catching marble portal with a Gothic tympanum embodying the mullioned rose window. Today it houses the Civic Museum.
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