Italian Cities and Towns Banks providing banking services, like ATM, in Boves (CN), Piedmont Region (Piemonte) - Italy. Branches and agencies of italian and foreign banks. Phone number, address, ABI and CAB Code. Where to open a new bank account

Banks in Boves

Banca Regionale Europea SpA (BRE Banca)
Piazza Dell'Olmo, 2 - 12012
ABI: 06906 - CAB: 46030
Phone Number: 0171-380180   ; Fax: 0171-387874
Banco Popolare - Società Cooperativa
Piazza Italia, 27 - 12012
ABI: 05034 - CAB: 46030
C.R.A. di Boves - Banca di Credito Cooperativo (Boves-Cuneo)
Via Santuario, 126 - Fontanelle - 12010
ABI: 08397 - CAB: 46031
C.R.A. di Boves - Banca di Credito Cooperativo (Boves-Cuneo)
Piazza Italia, 44 - 12012
ABI: 08397 - CAB: 46030
Unicredit SpA
Piazza Italia, 1 - 12012
ABI: 02008 - CAB: 46030
Bank branches and ATM in nearby towns: Robilante (2), Cuneo (54), Borgo San Dalmazzo (10), Peveragno (3), Roccavione (1), Vignolo (1), Vernante (1), Cervasca (2), Beinette (3), Chiusa di Pesio (3), Bernezzo (2), Limone Piemonte (3), Castelletto Stura (2), Gaiola (1), Caraglio (4), Margarita (1), Tarantasca (3), Valdieri (1), Pianfei (1), Centallo (8), Montanera (2), Entracque (1), Morozzo (3), Valgrana (1)
In this site and on the Web
Useful Pages
Information on Boves (Italy)
Banking services in Cuneo Province
Bank List Piedmont Italy © 2004/2017 PrometheoBoves

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