Italian Cities and Towns Banks providing banking services, like ATM, in San Pietro Mosezzo (NO), Piedmont Region (Piemonte) - Italy. Branches and agencies of italian and foreign banks. Phone number, address, ABI and CAB Code. Where to open a new bank account

Banks in San Pietro Mosezzo

Veneto Banca S.C.P.A.
Via Roma, 42 - 28060
ABI: 05035 - CAB: 45780
Banks in nearby towns
Bank Town
Intesa Sanpaolo SpA - Piazza Martin Luther King, 10Novara
Banca Popolare di Milano Scarl - Piazza Dei Martiri, 1Caltignaga
Intesa Sanpaolo SpA - Via Vittorio Emanuele III, 14Casalbeltrame
Unicredit SpA - Via Caccianotti, 22Biandrate
Unicredit SpA - Via Matteotti 18 - CamerianoCasalino
Intesa Sanpaolo SpA - Via Roma, 58Casalvolone
Banco Popolare - Società Cooperativa - Via Magistrini, 3Momo
Bank branches and ATM in nearby towns: Novara (70), Caltignaga (1), Casalbeltrame (1), Biandrate (2), Casalvolone (1), Casalino (1), Momo (2), Confienza (1), Barengo (1), Borgo Vercelli (2), Cameri (5), Fara Novarese (2), Villata (1), Bellinzago Novarese (4), Carpignano Sesia (2), Palestro (2)
In this site and on the Web
Useful Pages
Information on San Pietro Mosezzo (Italy)
Banking services in Novara Province
Bank List Piedmont Italy © 2004/2017 PrometheoSan Pietro Mosezzo

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