Italian Cities and Towns City of Valduggia (VC): Piedmont Region (Piemonte) - Italy. Population, official site, zip code and post office, town profile, useful link. Mayor: Pier Luigi Prino

City of Valduggia

ProvinceVercelli (VC)
ZoneNorthern West Italy
2,002 (M 994; F 1,008)
Density (per square km): 69.9
Number of Families919
Housing Units1,497
Population Namevalduggesi
Patron SaintSan Giorgio
Useful Link
Weather Forecast for Valduggia
Phone Numbers
Map Valduggia
Pharmacies in Valduggia
Bank List
Nearby towns
Official Site
City Hall Email
Zip Code13018
Phone Prefix(+39) 0163
Istat Code002152
Belfiore CodeL566
Valduggia City Hall
Address: Piazza G. Ferrari, 12 - 13018 Valduggia - ITALY
Phone Number: (+39) 0163-436611; Fax: (+39) 0163-48223
Mayor: Pier Luigi Prino
Skype: segreteria.comune.valduggia
Valduggia Localities
Arlezze, Bertagnina, Cà Ciottini, cà Giordani, Campiano, Cantone, Castagnola, Cereto, Colma, Crabbia, Lebbia, Maretti, Molino, Rastelli, Oraldo, Orbrunico, Orcarale, Orlonghetto, Orsavenzo, Pelliccione, Raschetto, Rasco, Rastiglione, Romagnasco, San Bernardo, Soliva, Strona, Valpiana, Zuccaro
Adjacent Towns
Boca (NO), Borgosesia, Cellio, Gargallo (NO), Grignasco (NO), Madonna del Sasso (VB), Maggiora (NO), Pogno (NO), Soriso (NO)
In this site and on the Web
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Cities and Towns in Vercelli Province
Main Italian Cities
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Towns and Cities in Province of Vercelli: Varallo Tronzano Vercellese List