Italian Cities and Towns City of Roure (TO): Piedmont Region (Piemonte) - Italy. Population, official site, zip code and post office, town profile, useful link. Mayor: Rino Tron

City of Roure

ProvinceTurin (TO)
ZoneNorthern West Italy
840 (M 409; F 431)
Density (per square km): 14.1
Number of Families451
Housing Units1,546
Population Namerouresi
Patron SaintSan Giovanni Battista
Useful Link
Weather Forecast for Roure
Phone Numbers
Map Roure
Pharmacies in Roure
Bank List
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Official Site
City Hall Email
Zip Code10060
Phone Prefix(+39) 0121
Istat Code001227
Belfiore CodeH555
Roure City Hall
Address: Frazione Balma, 1 - 10060 Roure - ITALY
Phone Number: (+39) 0121-842613; Fax: (+39) 0121-842945
Mayor: Rino Tron
Roure Localities
Frazioni:Castel del Bosco, Roreto, Balma, Villaretto;
borgate: Albarea, Albournu, Bergier (Gran Faetto), Bernard, Bourcet, Champ da Fils, Casette (Bourcet), Chardonnet, Chambellier, Chasteiran (Bourcet), Chezalet (Bourcet), Clea, Colletto, Combal, Flandre, Garnier, Gleisolle, Grange, Gran Faetto, Jouglar, Meisoun (Garnir), Lungavia, Mey(Gran Faetto), Mouly, Noufliere, Ors, Plevan (Garnier), Piccolo Faetto, Pituniera, Puà (Garnier), Prato del Colle, Reissent, Rounc, Sappè (Bourcet), Serre di Bourcet, Serre del Bosco, Serre di Villaretto, Seleiraut, Selleries, Sarondet (Bourcet), Touront (Gran Faetto), Vignal, Villaretto Superiore
Adjacent Towns
Bussoleno, Coazze, Fenestrelle, Massello, Mattie, Perosa Argentina, Perrero, San Giorio di Susa
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