Italian Cities and Towns Online phone book. Search for people and businesses in Romano Canavese - Piedmont, Italy. Italian white pages with phone numbers and addresses. Including reverse phone lookup. Find person and addresses by phone number.

Phone Numbers Romano Canavese

Find a Person or a Business
Last Name or Business Name
First Name (optional)

Reverse Phone Lookup *
Phone Number

City Hall Phone Numbers
Phone Number(+39) 0125-713045
Fax(+39) 0125-714107
* Lookup telephone numbers to find a person's name and street address from their italian phone number (without international prefix)
Phone Numbers Directory for other Towns and Cities: Strambino, Scarmagno, Mercenasco, Perosa Canavese, Vialfrè, San Martino Canavese, Pavone Canavese, Montalenghe, Cuceglio, Orio Canavese, Candia Canavese, Barone Canavese, Samone, Banchette, Ivrea, Salerano Canavese, Loranzè, Colleretto Giacosa, Parella, Fiorano Canavese
In this site and on the Web
Useful Pages
Information on Romano Canavese
Guide about Turin Province
Info on Piedmont Region
Drugstore Romano Canavese © 2004/2018 PrometheoRomano Canavese

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Towns and Cities in Province of Turin: Ronco Canavese Roletto List