Italian Cities and Towns Find local pharmacies in Perosa Canavese with phone numbers and addresses. Comprehensive directory. Pharmacies (chemist shop, drugstore) are retail storefront with a dispensary where medications are dispensed. Buy prescriptions, medicines, health and beauty products, homeopathic and herbal remedies

Pharmacies in Perosa Canavese - Italy

Farmacia San Giuseppe Dottoressa Chiaramonte
Address: Piazza Municipio, 1
Pharmacies in nearby cities
Pharmacy Town
Farmacia San Martino - Via Roma, 17San Martino Canavese
Farmacia Dispensario Farmaceutico Del Comune Di Scarmagno - Via Maestra, 10Scarmagno
Farmacia San Solutore Snc dei Dottori Garelli Chiara e Francesco Maria e Trione B. - Viale Guglielmo Marconi, 66Romano Canavese
Farmacia Travaglini - Via Circonvallazione 100Pavone Canavese
Farmacia Lvr Farma S.A.S. Della Dottoressa Lo Verde Giuseppina Patrizia e C. - Piazza della Libertà, 1/cLoranzè
Pharmacy List in surrounding towns: San Martino Canavese (1), Scarmagno (1), Romano Canavese (1), Pavone Canavese (1), Loranzè (1), Parella (1), Samone (1), Strambino (1), Montalenghe (1), Banchette (1), Mercenasco (1), Agliè (1), San Giorgio Canavese (2), Ivrea (7), Orio Canavese (1), Bairo (1), Vistrorio (1), Vidracco (1), Alice Superiore (1), Lessolo (2)
In this site and on the Web
Useful Pages
Information on Perosa Canavese
Weather Forecast Perosa Canavese
Info on Piedmont - Italy
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