Italian Cities and Towns Find local pharmacies in Corio with phone numbers and addresses. Comprehensive directory. Pharmacies (chemist shop, drugstore) are retail storefront with a dispensary where medications are dispensed. Buy prescriptions, medicines, health and beauty products, homeopathic and herbal remedies

Pharmacies in Corio - Italy

Farmacia Bottacini
Address: Via Benso, 9
Phone number: 011-928659;
Pharmacies in nearby cities
Pharmacy Town
Farmacia Santa Caterina di Impresa Sas Della Dottoressa Bruzzone Patrizia e C. - Piazza Osella, 12Rocca Canavese
Farmacia Gabutti - Viale Copperi, 11Balangero
Farmacia Bonardi - Via D. Borla, 7Mathi
Farmacia Grosso - Strada Camporelle, 1Grosso
Farmacia Della Torre Della Dottoressa Barchet Barbuse Lucia - Via Umberto I, 54Lanzo Torinese
Pharmacy List in surrounding towns: Rocca Canavese (1), Balangero (1), Mathi (1), Grosso (1), Cafasse (1), Lanzo Torinese (3), Forno Canavese (1), Villanova Canavese (1), Levone (1), Coassolo Torinese (2), Germagnano (1), Nole (2), Vauda Canavese (1), Fiano (1), Vallo Torinese (1), Sparone (1), San Carlo Canavese (1), Barbania (1), Rivara (1), Ciriè (6), Traves (1), Robassomero (1)
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Info on Piedmont - Italy
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