St. William Apostle |
St. William Apostle is a prominent late Baroque church featuring two twin bell towers set aside the aisles. The church complex is divided into 5 bays by stuccoed grey pillars.
Villa Caracciolo - Ruoppolo |
This complex today hosts an hospice care and is formed by the union of Ruoppolo and Caracciolo villas that were originally divided. In the picture you can see part of the English gardens and the rusticated Ruoppolo tower.
Church of Most Holy Annunciation and convent of Most Holy Sacrament |
It is a religious complex including the church of Annunciation (Chiesa della SS. Annunziata) and the convent of Sacrament (Congrega del SS. Sacramento). The two buildings are diveded by the bell tower that is topped with a spire. The interiors lodges Roman relics turned into religious furnishment.