Italian Cities and Towns Find local pharmacies in Canevino with phone numbers and addresses. Comprehensive directory. Pharmacies (chemist shop, drugstore) are retail storefront with a dispensary where medications are dispensed. Buy prescriptions, medicines, health and beauty products, homeopathic and herbal remedies

Pharmacies in Canevino - Italy

There are no pharmacy in this town.
Pharmacies in nearby cities
Pharmacy Town
Farmacia De Amici Aldo - Via Municipio, 43Ruino
Farmacia Bruni Giorgio - Via Cavour (Ang. Via Crispi)Santa Maria della Versa
Farmacia Mazza Angela - Via Veneto, 12Montalto Pavese
Farmacia Pinotti Emilio - Via Umberto I^, 1Nibbiano
Farmacia Suffritti del Dott. Mai Alberto - Via Vittorio Emanuele, 3Zavattarello
Pharmacy List in surrounding towns: Ruino (1), Santa Maria della Versa (1), Montalto Pavese (1), Nibbiano (2), Zavattarello (1), Valverde (1), Pietra de' Giorgi (1), Montescano (1), Cigognola (1), Mornico Losana (1), Rovescala (1), Montù Beccaria (1), Canneto Pavese (1), San Damiano al Colle (1), Redavalle (1), Romagnese (1), Broni (3)
In this site and on the Web
Useful Pages
Information on Canevino
Weather Forecast Canevino
Info on Lombardy - Italy
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