Italian Cities and Towns Branches and agencies in Genoa Italy, CAP 16125. Phone number, address, ABI and CAB Code, ATMs.

Banks in Genoa - CAP 16125

Banca Carige SpA - Cassa di Risparmio di Genova e Imperia
"Presso Istituto Di Ricovero E.Brignole"" - Piazzale E.Brignole, 2""" - 16125
ABI: 06175 - CAB: 01593
Intesa Sanpaolo SpA
Corso Carbonara, 37/R - 16125
ABI: 03069 - CAB: 01403
Phone Number: 010-2771711; Fax: 010-2470951
Unicredit SpA
Corso Paganini, 8/R - 16125
ABI: 02008 - CAB: 01420
In this site and on the Web
Useful Pages
Banks in Genoa
Genoa Map (Italy)
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