Italian Cities and Towns City of Odalengo Piccolo (AL): Piedmont Region (Piemonte) - Italy. Population, official site, zip code and post office, town profile, useful link. Mayor: Mirella Panatero

City of Odalengo Piccolo

ProvinceAlessandria (AL)
ZoneNorthern West Italy
273 (M 147; F 126)
Density (per square km): 35.8
Number of Families128
Housing Units208
Population Nameodalenghesi
Patron SaintSan Pietro
Useful Link
Weather Forecast for Odalengo Piccolo
Phone Numbers
Map Odalengo Piccolo
Pharmacies in Odalengo Piccolo
Bank List
Nearby towns
Official Site
City Hall Email
Zip Code15020
Phone Prefix(+39) 0141
Istat Code006117
Belfiore CodeF998
Odalengo Piccolo City Hall
Address: Piazza Piemonte, 1 - 15020 Odalengo Piccolo - ITALY
Phone Number: (+39) 0141-919126; Fax: (+39) 0141-919900
Mayor: Mirella Panatero
Odalengo Piccolo Localities
borgate: Pessine, Vicinato, Serra-Capitano, Case Dorato-Fresia-Palmaro
Adjacent Towns
Alfiano Natta, Castelletto Merli, Cerrina Monferrato, Odalengo Grande, Villadeati
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Cities and Towns in Alessandria Province
Main Italian Cities
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Towns and Cities in Province of Alessandria: Olivola Odalengo Grande List